
Craig has had a lifelong, intermittent relationship with art. Initially aspiring to be a professional photographer, he switched to a career in tech for practical reasons. Throughout his life, he dabbled in various creative pursuits but never had the time to fully commit to any artistic endeavor. Now, as his tech career winds down, he finds himself able to fully embrace a creative life. Currently, he is exploring printmaking and photography, but his true artistic passion lies in collage.

In 2006, inspired by a Robert Mars collage that he acquired, Craig taught himself the techniques of collage and image transfer. Over the next several years, he created numerous cut paper collages using materials from old magazines and books. His work was exhibited at the Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition in Red Hook and featured on the now-defunct Scrapiteria collage blog. Life's demands led him to set aside his collage work until he moved to Philadelphia in 2022. There, the vibrant community at Collage Philadelphia rekindled his interest in the medium, and he began producing work once again. He is looking forward to evolving his style and finding his artistic voice by combining various techniques to create mixed media pieces.


Noah Marcuse


Caroline Twohill